2015 fascicolo I


Dieter Girgensohn, Gregorio XII a Siena: un episodio del Grande Scisma d’Occidente (1407-1408)

Pope Gregory the XII first visited Siena on September 4th, 1407, during a trip that was supposed to culminate in a meeting with his rival, Benedict the XIII. This meeting had been arranged in view of both of the popes’ abdication. This new attempt to end the long running schism had raised great hopes and therefore Gregory was received in Siena with great joy. When he went back to Siena on July 19th 1408, after the failure of the negotiations, the original enthusiasm had cooled down. The rich archival sources present in Siena allow the scholars to consider this particular case as a model for a study on the hospitality reserved for a pope and his curia by a foreign city during the late Middle Ages. Such hospitality included ceremonies of greeting and farewell, attention toward the foreigners’ safety, and measures taken to ensure an abundance of food and the stability of prices and rents.


Emanuele Salerno, Giusnaturalismo e cultura giuspolitica nella Toscana del primo Settecento. Il Discorso sopra la successione della Toscana di Niccolò Antinori (1711)

The article aims to analyze a manuscript on the succession of Tuscany (1711) by the senator and Councilor of State Niccolò Antinori (1663-1722), at present stored at the State Archive of Florence. Antinori’s Discorso is an example of the reception of natural law, and in particular those doctrines of Grotius and Pufendorf on the theory of state foundation and sovereignty. Above all, the text demonstrates the necessity of referring to natural law theorists when the ius commune could not sufficiently support questions related to international relations, and when the ‘despotic’ version of reason of state had to be emended by notions of sovereignty and of the original rights (that is, natural rights) of the people. The arguments and authorities used by Antinori reveal themselves also to be an anticipation and a model for later government-diplomatic memories such as the Mémoire sur la liberté de l’Etat de Florence (1721) and De libertate civitatis Florentiae ejusque dominii (1722). These were issued and addressed to European chancelleries by the ruling class of the Grand Duchy in response to article V of the Quadruple Alliance Treaty of 2 August 1718, to demonstrate the juridical groundlessness of the feudal ordination that Emperor Charles VI wanted to give to the successor sovereign once the Medici dynasty would be extinguished.


Stefano Ferrari, Il Nachlaß italiano di Winckelmann: bilancio storiografico e nuove prospettive di ricerca

In 1768, in the hours preceding his death, Winckelmann appointed Cardinal Alessandro Albani sole heir of all his manuscripts and books existing at that time in Rome. Before their requisition by French authorities in 1798, Pio Fantoni, a personal friend of both the art historian and the Roman cardinal, came into possession of a significant portion of these items. He gave part of them to his friend Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi, through which they subsequently reached the Library of Savignano sul Rubicone. Other materials he bequeathed to his niece Giulia Paillot and her husband, the lawyer Alessandro Rivani; and was Rivani that allocated them to the «Colombaria» Academy in Florence.


Marco Pignotti,  Il notabilato ligure nell’orbita della ‘grande’ Genova (1861-1921)

Genoa is the financial and economic centre of Italy at the beginning of XX century. This point represents a common denominator for the Ligurian ruling-class during the Nation-building era. Thereby, territorial belonging and political stability emerge as key features of the Ligurian notabilate during the period between the end of Italian Unification and after World War I. Individuals’ access to the national political arena was strictly linked to their position in the social ladder. Therefore, family networks were more successful in granting a space in the public sphere than modern means of consensus organization. This contributes to explaining why the beginning of XX Century marks in Liguria a phase of great success in the power-holding centres.



Giovanna Murano, Quattro lettere autografe di Alessandro Tartagni a Lorenzo de’ Medici (1471)

The discovery, description, critical evaluation and edition of four letters, in vernacular, is the aim of the present contribution. In April (6th and 21th), June (3th) and July (11th) 1471 the bolognese jurist Alessandro Tartagni (1423/24-1477) wrote four autograph letters, now preserved in the Archivio di Stato of Florence in the archival collection Mediceo avanti il Principato, to Lorenzo de’ Medici. In the corrispondence Tartagni urging Lorenzo to take on one of his sons in the venetian branch of the Banco, but, despite the fame, the insistence and the powerful support of Bentivoglio’s family, for the absence of the fifth letter, that with thanks, we may assume that the request of the jurist  was not satisfied.


Paolo Simoncelli, Berenson – Orlando. Scampoli d’un carteggio

The study publishes a sensitive political research of the unknown epistolary relationship between Bernard Berenson and Vittorio Emanuele Orlando; a friendship wich began in 1941 and continued until 1952. The discussion of Orlando’s responsabilities in the creation of the Badoglio government is of great importance. Such responsabilities, rejected by Orlando, led to the english version of the Berenson Diaries (1952) wich differs from the italian one (1950).



Patricia Skinner, Medieval Amalfi and its diaspora. 800-1250 (Amedeo Feniello)

Gian Paolo G. Scharf, Potere e società ad Arezzo nel XIII secolo (1214-1312) (Enrico Faini)

Lorenzo di Francesco Guidetti. Ricordanze, a cura di Lorenz Böninger (Claudia Tripodi)

Isabella Campagnol, Forbidden Fashions. Invisible Luxuries in Early Venetian Convents (Samantha Maruzzella)

Giorgio Antei, L’orizzonte in fuga. Viaggi e vicende di Agostino Codazzi da Lugo (Leonardo Rombai)

Elena Papadia, Di padre in figlio. La generazione del 1915 (Roberto Pertici)




Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770