2011 fascicolo I


Andreas Meyer, La critica storica e le fonti notarili. Note su registri di imbreviature e pergamene lucchesi del secolo XIII

It is a truism that a historian has to work with the documents that are available to him. However, this should not prevent him from asking how much of the former amount of documents is extant and how much has been lost meanwhile. The best possibility to document the loss of sources quite precisely in their quantity and quality is offered by the documents, which Italian notaries left us in copious amounts: the notarial registers and the notarial instruments based on them. This article gives a deep insight into the tricky situation of the tradition on the basis of the example “Lucca in the 13th century”.


Tobias Daniels, La congiura dei Pazzi nell’informazione e nella cronistica tedesca coeva

The article deals with the diffusion of the news about the Pazzi-conspiracy (1478), with special attention to the story of Hans Pucheler, a contemporary German eye-witness present in Florence at the time of the conspiracy. Starting from a description of the way in which many Germans were involved in the affairs of Florence and the Pazzi-conspiracy, the article proceeds to ask which communicative networks made a wide diffusion of the news in Germany possible. What were the observations of the German eye-witnesses, who were the transmitters, intermediaries and recipients in Italy and Germany, and how did they read, understand and transmit the news? Special attention is paid regarding the process of adaptation that took place during the various stages of the transmission of the report.

In the appendix, the report of Hans Pucheler and the reports collected by the German chronicler Konrad Stolle are edited critically, accompanied by Italian translations.


Giuseppe Galasso, Ernesto Sestan, un’esperienza di storia politica

This article analyzes some of the essays written by Professor Sestan, one of the most famous historians of the past century, stressing the special attention Sestan gave to many aspects of public life. Within the many historical topics – from the Middle Ages to the contemporary world – explored during his historian’s career, Professor Sestan selected from time to time the most idoneous side – istitutional, cultural, social, economic, ethnic, religious one – to enlight the specifical theme he wanted to focus on.



Sergio Tognetti, «A me converrà trescare secondo il loro ballo». Un lodo arbitrale tra lanaioli nella Firenze del 1347

Could a swift arbitral law managed in an informal way and accustomed to handling papers written in vernacular, be considered in XIV century Florence one of the main ways  to administer commercial justice? If so, would it be possible for the thousands of notarial registers filed in the Notarile Antecosimiano to attract, for the history of business, the attention otherwise addressed to private deeds, account books and mercantile correspondence? This topic would deserve a monographic study, not only for its importance, but also because the sources allow a thorough investigation in the long run. This short methodological paper highlights the possibilities offered by this source, analyzing an arbitration which took place in 1347. The judgement involved three partners of a Florentine wool shop, in disagreement over past business management of the shop. The notarial deed contains memories in vernacular of the parties involved and the transcription of the corporate agreements taken from an account book.


Vanna Arrighi, Lettere inedite di Lorenzo il Magnifico in una Appendice alle carte Strozziane

This essay retraces the fortunes of a small group of documents, belonging to the collection of Carlo of Tommaso Strozzi (1587-1670), and explains why it wasn’t taken into consideration by the cataloguing of the whole ‘Strozziana’ collection, which was led to completion in the late XIX century. This group, consisting of eight files, also contains three letters of Lorenzo the Magnificent which escaped the census of P. G. Ricci  and N. Rubinstein in 1964. Attached to the essay is an analytic description of the documents which, for their lack of an inventory, have remained unknown until now.



Enrico Faini, Firenze nell’età romanica (1000-1211). L’espansione urbana, lo svilupo istituzionale, il rapporto col territorio (Sergio Tognetti)

Benoît Grévin, Rhétorique du pouvoir médiéval. Les Lettres de Pierre de la Vigne et la formation du language politique européen (XIIIe – XVe siècle) (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Margaret Meserve, Empires of Islam in Renaissance historical thought (Elena Valeri)

Lucia Felici, Profezie di riforma e idee di concordia religiosa. Visioni e speranze dell’esule piemontese Giovanni Leonardo Sartori (Michaela Valente)

Graziano Ruffini, Libri tra Spagna e Genova: la biblioteca del Collegio di Sant’Anna (1 maggio 1600) (Angela Nuovo)

Pietro Verri, Storia di Milano (Rolando Minuti)

Giulia Vertecchi, Il ‘masser ai formenti in Terra Nova’. Il ruolo delle scorte granarie a Venezia nel XVIII secolo (Renzo P. Corritore)

Lettere, Diritto, Storia. Francesco Forti nell’Italia dell’Ottocento (Andrea Landi)




Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770