2018 fascicolo III


William R. Day, Jr, Before the Libro della Zecca. Money and coinage in Florenze in the 12th and 13th centuries. Part II (Silver and gold trade coinages)

This article focuses on the fine silver and gold trade coinages of the mint of Florence in the thirteenth century. It summarises the early silver grossi from the 1230s and raises questions about the existing classification while drawing attention to aspects that require further study. It also traces the spread of the city’s gold florin, introduced in 1252, as an actual coin, the benchmark for other gold coins, the basis for an ‘international’ money of account and the model for many imitation florins. It stresses the importance of the florin in the economic development of Florence and in the so-called commercial revolution of the Middle Ages.


Luca Boschetto, «Uno uomo di basso e infimo stato». Ricerche sulla storia familiare di Niccolò Machiavelli

The article addresses the historical foundation of rumours about the illegitimate birth of messer Bernardo Machiavelli, Niccolò’s father. Although these rumours begun spreading during the writer’s life, they have been in fact largely neglected by Machiavelli biographers. In the first part of the paper a new survey of the records pertaining to both Bernardo and his ancestors offers fresh evidence to support his illegitimate status. The second part of the paper shows to what extent, in the political turmoil following the introduction of the Consiglio Maggiore in late 1494, Bernardo’s illegitimacy prevented Niccolò from actively participating in the Florentine political life of his time, allowing him to pursue only a career of a strictly executive nature in the city’s administration.



Nicola Carotenuto, Note di lettura in margine a Il mito delle origini di Serban Marin

The article analyses the book of Serban Marin, underlining the positive and negative aspects of this reflection about the Venetian foundation myths. From a careful analysis of Venetian chronicles some key elements, not mentioned in the aforesaid book, may be inferred: the absence of the description of the mythological origins of the city of St. Mark in many medieval Venetian chronicles, the paucity of iconographic sources or the framing of the Venetian myth within the contemporary European mythopoesis.


Michele Simonetto, Tardo illuminismo e diritti dell’uomo

The essay, inspired by Ferrone’s book Storia dei diritti dell’uomo, intends to analyze the developments of the debate on human rights in the history of Western thought, especially in relation to the ideas of late Enlightenment. The attention is focused on thinkers such as Rousseau, Genovesi, and the exponents of the early German romanticism to conclude, following the original Ferrone’s itineraries, with a personality that seems detached from the Enlightenment as Giambattista Vico, properly portrayed as a man of that age.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Giuliano Milani, L’uomo con la borsa al collo. Genealogia e uso di un’immagine medievale (Piero Gualtieri)

Paolo Buffo, La documentazione dei principi di Savoia-Acaia. Prassi e fisionomia di una burocrazia notarile in costruzione (Isabella Lazzarini)

Antonio Rigon, Gente d’arme e uomini di Chiesa. I Carraresi tra Stato Pontificio e Regno di Napoli (XIV-XV sec.) (Giuliano Pinto)

Federico Del Tredici, Un’altra nobiltà. Storie di (in)distinzione a Milano. Secoli XIV-XV (Daniele Bortoluzzi)

Daniele Edigati, Un altro giurisdizionalismo. Libertà repubblicana e immunità ecclesiale a Lucca fra Antico Regime e Restaurazione. In appendice lo Stato della disciplina della Chiesa lucchese di Angelo Bossi (Alberto Lupano)

Carlo Capra, La felicità per tutti. Figure e temi dell’illuminismo lombardo (Renato Pasta)

Massimo Furiozzi, Eugenio Rignano e il socialismo liberale (Francesca Puliga)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


 Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770