Marina Gazzini, Albertano da Brescia e il benessere spirituale e civile nei comuni italiani: i sermoni ai confratelli causidici e notai (metà XIII secolo)
Albertanus of Brescia is considered one of the greatest Italian intellectuals of the first half of the 13th century. Judge, politician, rhetorician, he was the author of three treatises and of five sermons. His works were real ‘best sellers’, both in their original compilation in Latin, and in numerous vernacular versions spread all across Europe. This paper will focus on the minor works of Albertanus, the five sermons that he wrote within a confraternal context. Albertanus’ sermons contain insights of remarkable interest, both for the anticipation or perfecting of topics that we find in the treatises, and for themes that seem to find privileged place in the homiletic support, as the issue of poverty.
Fabrizio Pagnoni, La difficile eredità ducale. Popolo e fazioni in Lombardia e nella Brescia malatestiana (1404-1421)
This essay provides an analysis of the troubled period that followed the death of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, by particularly focusing on the dominion of Pandolfo Malatesta in Eastern Lombardy, one of the condottieri that had served the duchy in the previous decades. Special attention has been paid to the relationship between the new government and local factions, on order to verity to what extent Pandolfo was able to maintain the super partes role towards the factions that Gian Galeazzo had already promoted in the duchy. Another topic concerns the re-emergence of the Popolo within the local political society at that time, and particularly the weakness of this phenomenon in Brescia, at least until the first decade of the 15th century.
Sergio Tognetti, Un genovese di Asti e un napoletano di Amalfi davanti alla Mercanzia di Siena nel 1366 (per tacere del vicario del vescovo di Firenze)
The essay introduces and comments on a very special document. It is a report of the Sienese mercantile court (a unicum of its kind for the XIV century), recopied in the register of a Florentine notary: ser Lando di Fortino dalla Cicogna. In a couple of folios appear Mediterranean routes that connect Naples with Barcelona, merchants and ship-owners of various Italian cities, the officials of the port of Talamone, the judges of Mercanzia di Siena, the vicar of the bishop of Florence and his closest collaborators.
Isabella Lazzarini, I nomi dei gatti. Concetti, modelli e interpretazioni nella storiografia politica e istituzionale d’Italia (a proposito di tardo medioevo e Rinascimento)
If periodization ranks among the more elusive tasks of historical scholarship, that is particularly true when it becomes a battlefield between different historiographical traditions and ideological grand narratives. ‘Late middle ages’ and ‘Renaissance’ are crucial concepts both in Italian history and Western ideology. Their origins are different, but their use is frequently connected, and their conceptual story sometimes antagonistic. The present essay aims at looking at research on the medieval and early modern Italian peninsula from the 1950s to present days in order to investigate some aspects and facets of the historiographical debate that surrounded – both in Italy and in the Anglo-American world – the increasing use of ‘late middle ages’ and the recent ‘rediscovery’ of a political Renaissance.
Recensioni [scarica PDF]
Maria Elena Cortese, L’aristocrazia toscana. Sette secoli (VI-XII) (Enrico Faini)
Marco Vendittelli, Mercanti-banchieri romani tra XII e XIII secolo. Una storia negata (Sergio Tognetti)
Giuseppe Seche, Libro e società in Sardegna tra medioevo e prima età moderna (Lorenz Böninger)
Élisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur, Décapitées. Trois femmes dans l’Italie de la Renaissance (Lorenzo Tanzini)
I Ricordi di Vincenzio Borghini, a cura di Eliana Carrara e Maria Fubini Leuzzi, con una scheda codicologica di Veronica Vestri (Vanni Bramanti)
Adam Manikowski, The Society of Elite Consumption. Lorenzo Strozzi’s Aristocratic Enterprise in Seventeenth-Century Tuscany (Francesco Guidi Bruscoli)
The Routledge History of Italian Americans, a cura di William J. Connell e Stanislao G. Pugliese (Francesca Puliga)
Notizie [scarica PDF]
Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770