2019 fascicolo I


Maya Maskarinec, Why Remember Ratchis? Medieval Monastic Memory and the Lombard Past.

This article examines the events surrounding the abdication of the mid-8th-century Lombard king Ratchis and the accession of his successor, king Aistulf, as presented in contemporary sources, and as remembered in later historiographical and documentary sources from the monasteries of Montecassino, Volturno, Farfa, Monte Soratte, Monte Amiata and Nonantola. A close reading complicates the accepted narrative (Ratchis abdicated, Aistulf took power) that quickly took hold, and demonstrates how, because monasteries were actively involved in the power-politics of Ratchis’ and Aistulf’s reigns, and because property claims (and property documents) and the Lombard past continued to matter in later centuries, 10th- to 12th-century monks continued to remember and rework their materials related to this past.


Alberto Luongo, Relativamente marginali: la condizione sociale delle donne nella Gubbio trecentesca.

The article deals with the question of the social condition of women in 14th century Gubbio. In the footsteps of recent historiography, the main goal of this paper is to spot similarities and differences between the legal status of women according to the local Statuto and the practical behaviours reconstructed through the analysis of notarial records. The result is a complex framework in which the law was not always able to restrain the agency of women: married or widowed, noble or popolari, the women of Gubbio managed to retain a significant level of freedom by owning and conducting real properties, making wills, and working, especially in textile manufacture, farming and hospitality.


Ernesto Lettieri, Profezia, politica, religione e censura nelle pseudo-lettere di san Francesco di Paola su Savonarola (prima metà XVI – prima metà XVII secolo): prime ipotesi interpretative.

This essay concerns the issue of the epistolary relationship documented by three pseudo-letters, traditionally ascribed to Saint Francis of Paola and sent to Savonarola. After having described the Florentine documentary context and having identified the main medium of transmission of the tradition in the Vita of Pseudo-Burlamacchi (first half of the XVIth century), it analyzes the content features, with special reference to two binomials: the Savonarolan Movement-the Medicean achievement and the acknowledgment-disavowal of Savonarola. At the end, the essay deals with the tradition of the letters from the beginning of the XVIIth century to the censorial interference by the Index Congregation (1659), noticing the insert of components from the Order of Minims on the until then prevalent Savonarolan feature, during the transition from manuscript to printed circulation.



Pierluigi Terenzi, Evoluzione politica e dialettica normativa nel regno di Napoli: statuti, consuetudini, privilegi (secoli XIII-XV)

This essay investigates the relations between the production of norms and the political evolution of the towns of the Kingdom of Naples in the 13th-15th centuries. Starting from the features of statutes and customary law codices – poor organization of contents, ‘private’ nature of the norms and lack of rules on institutional structures – the essay examines the reasons and logic behind the realization of law collections, as well as the role played by the monarchy in urban production of norms (especially on institutions), through an in-depth analysis of some case-studies from the northern regions of the Kingdom.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Ein meer und seine heiligen, Hagiographie im mittelalterlichen Mediterraneum (Anna Benvenuti)

Giovanni Codevilla, Storia della Russia e dei paesi limitrofi. Chiesa e impero. Volume I: Il medioevo russo. Secoli X-XVII (Lorenzo Pubblici)

Cittadinanze medievali. Dinamiche di appartenenza a un corpo comunitario, a cura di Sara Menzinger (Piero Gualtieri)

Alexander Lee, Humanism and Empire. The imperial idea in Fourteenth-Century Italy (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Catherine Kikuchi, La Venise des livres 1469-1530 (Giuseppe Seche)

Kirk Essary, Erasmus and Calvin on the Foolishness of God. Reason and Emotion in the Christian Philosophy  (Fabiana Ambrosi)

Guido Mongini, Maschere dell’identità. Alle origini della Compagnia di Gesù (Lucia Felici)

Alessandro Dani, Vagabondi, zingari e mendicanti. Leggi toscane sulla marginalità sociale tra XVI e XVIII secolo (Marco Geri)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770