2019 fascicolo III


Michael E. Bratchel, Syndication and the Office of the Sindaco Maggiore in Fifteenth-century Lucca

The present article explores the office of the Maggior Sindaco and the practice of the Sindacato in Lucca during the decades after the restoration of republican liberty in 1430. In this, as in other respects, fifteenth-century Lucca was sui generis. But syndication itself, in diverse forms, was common throughout much of Mediterranean Europe. The Lucchese case-study, presented in comparative context, serves to expand our understanding of the range of possibilities inherent in the institution and its processes.


Rita Mazzei, All’ombra di un’amicizia. Percorsi di circolazione libraria fra Italia e Francia, e viceversa, nella seconda metà del Cinquecento

This essay is about Giovanni Andreozzi, a merchant of Lucca who lived between Lyon and Paris and was a close friend of a famous man of letters, Blaise de Vigenère. Andreozzi, to whom Vigenère dedicated the Trois Dialogues de l’Amitié (1579), acted as a ‘cultural intermediary’ and favored the spread of Italian literary works in France. He translated from French into Italian a work of Vigenère’s, Images ou Tableaux de platte-peinture (1578). Back in Lucca, his intention was to print this work, but he was unable to do so.


Alessandro Volpi, Ribelli senza politica. Le vicende di un termine nei dizionari italiani dell’Ottocento

The text examines the different definitions of the term rebellion contained in the Dictionaries of the first part of the nineteenth century, from which emerges a relevant distance from the political meaning assigned to the term itself; the elaboration of a common language of Italians tended to resort, in the case of rebellion, to examples and expressions taken from remote history and religious repertoires, excluding any revolutionary contamination. In this sense, the distance between the Dictionaries and the regulatory codifications established in those years was also evident.



Alberto Cotza, A proposito della nuova edizione delle Passioni di San Miniato

This paper discusses the Passio Miniatis, both BHL 5965 (8th/9th c.) and BHL 5967 (11th c.), recently edited by Silvia Nocentini (2018). In the first part the paper deals with the main features of the new edition; in the second part it raises some historical questions on these texts. In particular, the paper proposes to analyse the Passio in the context of Italic political networks, both in the Carolingian age and in the years of the Emperor Henry II.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Marco Muresu, La moneta “indicatore” dell’assetto insediativo della Sardegna bizantina (secoli VI-XI) (Sergio Tognetti)

Cultures of Voting in Pre-modern Europe, edited by Serena Ferente – Lovro Kunčević – Miles Pattenden (Carole Mabboux)

Carteggi fra basso medioevo ed età moderna. Pratiche di redazione, trasmissione e conservazione, a cura di Andrea Giorgi – Katia Occhi (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Andrea Cambini, I ‘Libri adgiunti’ alle ‘Storie’ di messer Biondo da Furlì, introduzione, edizione critica e commento a cura di Elisabetta Guerrieri (Fulvio Delle Donne)

HéLène Miesse, Un laboratorio di carte. Il linguaggio della politica nel ‘carteggio’ di Francesco Guicciardini (Isabella Lazzarini)

Stefano Calonaci, Lo spirito del dominio. Giustizia e giurisdizioni feudali nell’Italia moderna (secoli XVI-XVIII) (Giuseppe V. Parigino)

Alessandra Mita Ferraro, Il diritto e il rovescio. Giambattista Giovio (1748-1814) un europeo di provincia nel secolo dei lumi (Renato Pasta)

Raoul Pupo, Fiume città di passione (Luca G. Manenti)

Per Sergio Bertelli. Itinerari di ricerca di uno storico del ’900, Atti del convegno in memoria di Sergio Bertelli, Firenze, 26 maggio 2017, a cura di Giulia Calvi (Lorenzo Fabbri)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770