2020 fascicolo II


Dario Internullo, Dal caso alla regola, dal tribunale allo statuto. Riflessioni su Roma nel XII secolo

The articles aims at reconsidering the emergence of the first statutory legal systems of Rome during the 12th century. The understanding of such phenomenon has been so far hindered by the total lack of ‘internal’ evidence such legal manuscripts, registers, and received letters. A new methodological approach has been used: the analysis of defensio formulas in private documents issued by Roman churches, where the first Roman statutory systems (bonus usus, consuetudines) are mentioned e contrario. The process is here reconstructed considering the history of Roman iudices, the so-called «legal Renaissance», and the formation of municipal Roman courts – the Senate –, as well as through a comparison with the more complete case of Pisa.


Armando Antonelli, Sistema documentario, tradizione archivistica e ideologia di popolo nel Trecento

The essay represents the fourth stage of a study dedicated to literary texts and the relationship with the chamber of acts of the municipality of Bologna in the last quarter of the 14th century. The article reconstructs the tradition of the superfund of the deliberations of the city’s municipal councils and at the same time investigates the articulation of the political discourse of the government of the people. At the heart of the contribution are the articulating of political language and the invention of the tradition of remembrance in relation to archival papers, the municipal documentary system.


Richard A. Goldthwaite, Performance of the Florentine economy, 1494-1512: the silk and wool industries

This article reports the results of a study of the surviving accounts of lanaiuoli and setaiuoli firms dating to these years.  It reveals, first, that the emergence of new markets abroad assured an extraordinarily high level of performance for both industries, and, second, that the overlapping function of these markets with respect to the supply of raw materials and sales of finished products generated an intricate web of mutually dependent inter-industry relations among firms of a kind that had never existed earlier. Both conclusions raise some question about a historiography that emphasizes the intense political and social tensions during these years without even a glance at the economic interests shared by the men involved.



Tommaso Munari e Francesca Trivellato, Gino Luzzatto e l’archivio storico della comunità ebraica di Livorno

In Spring 1940, the great medieval historian Gino Luzzatto stumbled across a treasure trove of documents held in the synagogue of Livorno. Banned from his university post and from accessing all Italian state archives and libraries by the Fascist racial laws, he asked his anti-Fascist and Jewish friends who had emigrated to the United States to help him secure the financial support he needed to work in Tuscany. They failed. And by 1944, Allied bombs had all but destroyed Livorno, including its synagogue. This article reconstructs Luzzatto’s aborted plan for writing a history of early modern Mediterranean commerce on the basis of records that are now mostly lost.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Pierluigi Terenzi, Gli Angiò in Italia centrale. Potere e relazioni politiche in Toscana e nelle terre della Chiesa (1263-1335) (Francesco Pirani)

Florian Eßer, Schisma als Deutungskonflikt. Das Konzil von Pisa und die Lösung des Großen Abendländischen Schismas (1378-1409) (Michela Guidi)

Santiago Gonzàlez Sànchez, La alta nobleza castellana a comienzos del siglo XV. Consolidaciòn de linajes y casas nobles (Gian Paolo G. Scharf)

Kirk Melnikoff, Elizabethan Publishing and the Makings of Literary Culture (Silvia Cinnella Della Porta )

Brian Pullan, Tolerance, Regulation and Rescue. Dishonoured women and abandoned children in Italy, 1300-1800 (Lucia Sandri)

Simone Paoli, Frontiera Sud. L’Italia e la nascita dell’Europa di Schengen (Virginia Minnucci)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770