2020 fascicolo IV


Lorenzo Caravaggi, Tra dialogo e conflitto. Controllare lo spazio e mantenere la pace a Bologna alla fine del Duecento

article explores the processes of collaboration between public authorities and elite civic families through which contemporaries could keep internecine feuds under control and secure periods of political stability, such as that experienced at Bologna between 1280 and 1296. It is here demonstrated that the most powerful households of the city actively helped civic authorities to pacify on-going feuds between third parties. The internal fragmentation which characterised late medieval cities did not always lead to volatility and political instability. Through dialogue and collaboration, contemporaries could guarantee peace, balance, and prosperity.


Jacopo Paganelli, «Comune Pisanum habere in fratrem precipuum maiorem». Alcune note sulle relazioni fra Filippo vescovo di Volterra (1348-1358) e il Comune di Pisa

The essay reconstructs the relationships that linked Volterra to the city of Pisa in the middle of the fourteenth century. Through the examination of the government action of Ottaviano Belforti and his son Filippo, who became bishop of Volterra in 1348, we can see how the Tyrrhenian city – far from being in decline – was able to build an alternative political space to that of Florence.


Simone Lombardo, Tra insicurezza e cambiamenti d’epoca. I genovesi e la pesca del corallo in Nord Africa (XV-XVI secolo): dalla crisi di Marsacares alla presa di Tabarca

The Genoese coral fishing in North Africa depicts the surrounding world as a mirror. This study explores the changes occurred between the crisis of the first settlement of Marsacares, founded in mid-15th Century, and the taking of Tabarca, around 1540. The differences and developments coming out from this comparison show the growing difficulties and the transformation of North African border into a violent frontier, marked by troubles in the passage from the Middle Ages to the Modern World.


Alessandro Pastore, Errori e peccati dei medici nei manuali dei confessori (secoli XV-XVI)

This article aims to explore the wide range of errors and mistakes relating to the medical profession as reported in the ‘Summae confessorum’ and in printed manuals (handbooks) of confessional practice (late XV-late XVI centuries). Designed for practical use, this kind of literature provided priests with easily accessible lists of sins committed by physicians, surgeons, apothecaries. By focusing on them the early-modern confessor as well as the present reader today can find clues to malpractice, ethical fallibilities and deontological failures at that time.



Anna Maria Voci, Una vita per la storia di Firenze. I Ricordi di Robert Davidsohn

This article reviews the recently published critical edition of the autobiography of the German historian Robert Davidsohn (1853-1937), the author of a monumental and until now unsurpassed history of medieval Florence. It was written between 1932 and 1933, with subsequent additions until a few months before his death. These memoirs show the thick network of contacts, which the liberal minded, German patriot and cosmopolitan Davidsohn kept within the political, aristocratic, artistic and intellectual milieux wherever he lived, whether it was in Florence, or Berlin, Munich or in Switzerland. Moreover, the reader will find interesting remarks about Hebraism and anti-Semitism.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Alessandro Di Muro, La terra, il mercante e il sovrano: economia e società nell’VIII secolo longobardo (Marco Muresu)

Francesco Pirani, Con il senno e con la spada. Il cardinale Albornoz e l’Italia del Trecento (Piero Gualtieri)

Allen J. Grieco, Food, social politics and the order of nature in Renaissance Italy (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Krisztina Arany, Florentine families in Hungary in the first half of the fifteenth century. A prosopographic study of their economic and social strategies (Sergio Tognetti)

La Loi du Prince. La raccolta normativa sabauda di Amedeo VIII (1430), a cura di Franco Morenzoni (Gianluca Russo)

Marcello Simonetta, Tutti gli uomini di Machiavelli. Amici, nemici e un’amante (Remo L. Guidi)

John Henderson, Florence under siege: surviving plague in an early modern city (Francesco Baldanzi)

Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Carteggi con Lazzari…Luzán, a cura di Maria Lieber e Daniela Gianaroli, con la collaborazione di Josephine Klingebeil e Chiara Maria Pedron (Renato Pasta)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770