2021 fascicolo III


Matteo Taddei, La nozione della Renovatio Imperii Romanorum nel Chronicon di Titmaro di Merseburgo

This article examines the consequences of Otto III’s renewed policies based on the narrative performed by Thietmar bishop of Merseburg in his Chronicon and other contemporary sources. The concept of Renovatio imperii Romanorum is not taken for granted, so an analysis of the sources that insist on that notion is proposed, focusing on the way in which Ottonian policies have been received and spread in that precise historical context.


Stefano Boero, Lo specchio della frontiera: le monarchie europee e il banditismo in Abruzzo (1647-1660)

The article analyzes the political situation of the provinces of Abruzzo in the decade following the 1647-48 revolt in relation to the phenomenon of banditry, focusing on the Spanish Monarchy’s ability to maintain public order on the border of the Kingdom of Naples. The support offered by the French Embassy at the Holy See to the initiatives of the bandit ‘Martello’ was part of a plan aimed at reducing the Habsburg influence in the Italian peninsula.


Matteo Calcagni, I limiti della neutralità. Commercio, pirateria e tensioni diplomatiche tra Granducato di Toscana, Francia e Inghilterra (1696-1707)

Cosimo III de’ Medici promulgated the neutrality of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany to protect its economic interests from late 17th-century European conflicts. However, Medicean policy went into crisis when, in 1696, an English merchant based in Livorno plundered some French vessels in the Levant. This article aims to investigate the long-lasting diplomatic strategies carried out by the Tuscan government during the international crisis generated by the case.


Dino Mengozzi, Vite semplici. Vite da eroi. Necronominalismo e democratizzazione dei nomi dei caduti della Grande guerra

Between 1914-1938, the enormous task of documenting the names of the dead soldiers, which was instrumental in permitting mass mourning processions, was led by nations. This essay analyses the construction of ‘necronominalism’ beginning in mid-nineteenth century, specifically at the time of Garibaldi. The new way of combat during WWI was no longer man against man but moreover machine against machine so that no one was a celebrated hero.  It is for this reason that the list of dead inscribed on the monuments is in alphabetical order. It shows that a common soldier could have a higher rank than his officer. This also diminished any preceding hierarchy and eliminated any idea of sacredness in the ‘red leftist’ funeral ceremonies.  Fascism transformed this ‘democracy of death’ en masse without reference to the individual



Michaela Valente, Prima e dopo la conversione: a proposito di Salomone-Ercole de’ Fedeli, orafo nell’Italia del Rinascimento.

The essay deals with the discussion of Tamar Herzig’s new book, A Convert’s tale. She wrote the story of a Jewish goldsmith, Salomone da Sessa, who worked for Duke Ercole d’Este and his wife, Eleonora d’Aragona in the Italian peninsula at the end of the XVth century. In 1491 Salomone converted to Christianism as Ercole de’Fedeli. Through this case, Herzig highlights several important features such as the social and religious relationships between Jews and Christians.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Aldo Angelo Settia, Battaglie medievali (Duccio Balestracci)

The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada between East and West (Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries), ed. by Adela Fábregas (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Luciano Palermo, Il mercato romano nel carteggio di Francesco Datini (1377-1409) (Andrea Fara)

Arnold Esch, Roma dal Medioevo al Rinascimento (1378-1484) (Sergio Tognetti)

Giovanni Gioviano Pontano, De bello Neapolitano, a cura di Giuseppe Germano, Antonietta Iacono e Francesco Senatore (Lorenz Böninger)

Elisa Novi Chavarria, Accogliere e curare. Ospedali e culture delle nazioni nella Monarchia ispanica (secc. XVI-XVII) (Lucia Sandri)

Massimo Baioni, Vedere per credere. Il racconto museale dell’Italia unita (Christian Satto)

Marcello Flores – Giovanni Gozzini, Il vento della rivoluzione. La nascita del partito comunista italiano (Gianluca Scroccu)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


 Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770