2022 fascicolo II



Silvia Diacciati, Nei panni di Dante. Problemi e ipotesi di iconografia dantesca

Much has been written about the portrait of Dante: a face with a grim profile and hooked nose has for centuries been sufficient to officially identify the poet. In addition to features, however, clothing has also played a significant role in the creation of a true iconographic canon: Dante always wears an ample and long robe and a cap, both colored in red. In this short article I will therefore focus on the style of Dante’s clothing, in the belief that this aspect can provide a contribution to the iconographic history of the poet.


Alberto Luongo, La scelta del personale diplomatico: identità politico-sociali degli ambasciatori perugini nel XIV secolo (1351-1379)

The article deals with the choice of the Perugian ambassadors assigned by the city to its diplomatic missions. The aim is to reconstruct the political and social identity of the ambassadors both in relation to the links between the individuals and the powers involved in the missions, and to internal politics, which was marked by conflicts between the Popolo and the nobility. The chronological period chosen (1351-1379) was a moment of particular tension with the Papacy, due firstly to the switch to the side of the Emperor Charles IV, then to an armed rebellion that ended with the Peace of Bologna (1365-1370), up to the context of the War of the Eight Saints (1375-1378).


Robert Black, The Cathedral School of Santa Maria del Fiore (Collegio Eugeniano) in Florence during the Fifteenth Century

The rise of secular school education in Tuscany during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries led to the closure of Florence’s cathedral school. Pope Eugenius IV sought to remedy the shortage of boy choristers by refounding a non-resident school there to teach Latin and singing in 1436. Latin instruction was the first priority, although boys were introduced to avant-garde polyphony especially later in the fifteenth century. Paedophilia on the part of teachers could be a problem. As in secular grammar schools, classical Latin texts represented the culmination of the syllabus, although one teacher tried to introduce a series of Christian dramas that he himself composed, but the experiment was unsuccessful.


Samuela Marconcini, Niccolò Matas e la stella di David: una questione di metodo storico

How can it be that the facade of a Christian church could host the star of David, today recognized as the symbol of Judaism all over the world? Investigating the shift over the perception of this symbol over time, the article aims at clarifying the alleged Jewishness of Niccolò Matas, the anconetano architect who projected the facade of the basilica of Santa Croce in Florence and received the honor to be buried just in front of it. Based on archival sources and publications of the time, this research would also like to underline the importance of the historical method, as a way to provide reliable and verified information, in a world overwhelmed by false and fake news.



Paolo Nardi, Documenti su Pierleone da Spoleto studente e docente nell’Università di Siena

Some documents of the sixties of the 15th century, preserved in Public Record Office of Siena, throw light on education and training of Piero Leoni (or Pierleone) of Spoleto and allow to learn that the famous physician was a medical student at Siena University and, as student, a candidate for the office of rector of Studium. After the degree in medicine, he was appointed professor of philosophy in the same University for two years.



Pierpaolo Merlin, Diplomazia e stato sabaudo: un tema storiografico aperto

The role of the Savoyard State diplomacy between the 16th and 18th centuries has not been studied like that of the most important Italian states. Scholars of diplomacy seem to overlook the Savoy case while foreign historians show greater interest. The author takes stock of this issue by pointing out that we are only recently beginning to consider with due importance the Savoy diplomacy and its role in the european history of the Old regime.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Rosamond McKitterick, Rome and the Invention of the Papacy: The Liber Pontificalis (Paolo Liverani)

Giacomo Todeschini, Come l’acqua e il sangue. Le origini medievali del pensiero economico (Luciano Palermo)

Amedeo Feniello, Demoni, venti e draghi. Come l’uomo ha imparato a vincere catastrofi e cataclismi (Sergio Tognetti)

Le vestigia dei gesuati. L’eredità culturale del Colombini e dei suoi seguaci, a cura di Isabella Gagliardi (Michele D’Ascoli)

La veu del regne. 600 anys de la Generalitat Valenciana. I, Parlaments institucionals. II, La Generalitat Valenciana. Dels orígens a l’abolició, ed. Antoni Furió, Lluís Guia, JuanVincente García Marsilla, III, La Generalitat Valenciana. Espais i imatges de la generalitat, ed. Antoni Furió i Juan Vincente García Marsilla (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Francisco J. Molina de la Torre, Irene Ruiz Albi, David Carvajal de la Vega y Mauricio Herrero Jiménez, Mercaderes extranjeros ante la Real Chancillería de Valladolid (1482-1525) (Raúl González Arévalo)

A Companion to Cosimo I de’ Medici, edited by Alessio Assonitis and Henk Th. Van Veen (Alessandro Lo Bartolo)

Ignazio Veca, La congiura immaginata. Opinione pubblica e accuse di complotto nella Roma dell’Ottocento (Rafaella Pilo)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770