2022 fascicolo IV


Frédéric Ieva, Un’alleanza matrimoniale mancata. Diplomazia e politica estera tra Francia e Savoia agli inizi del Seicento

This essay reconstructs the failed negotiations between Piedmont and France for a marriage between Elisabeth of France and Victor Amadeus, Prince of Piedmont. After the death of Henry IV and the regency of Marie de’ Medici, French foreign policy changed tack and negotiations were opened for a double Franco-Spanish marriage. These ended successfully with a wedding held in Bordeaux in 1615.


Corey Tazzara, The Pilgrim at Home: Pietro della Valle in Rome, 1626-1652

The essay examines the activities of Pietro della Valle (1586-1652) after his return to Rome from his well-known travels in the East. Exploiting a neglected diary that della Valle maintained until his death, this article argues that his scholarly strategies were closely linked to his political projects for promoting Catholic unity in Europe and missionary activities abroad. The article concludes by reassessing how institutions such as the Index, the Holy Office, and especially the Propaganda Fide may have shaped knowledge production in Baroque Rome.


Giovanni Cavagnini, La poetica del linciaggio. I discorsi interventisti di D’Annunzio tra performance e ricezione (1915)

In May 1915, while his country was on the verge of a civil war, the poet Gabriele D’Annunzio gave a series of fiery speeches against Austria-Hungary, hoping Italy would soon join the Entente. This article uses a variety of sources (newspapers, journals, letters, caricatures, etc.) in order to shed light on those speeches, focusing on two issues: on the one hand, their hateful content (notably, the call for physical violence against both the Austrian diplomats and the Italian MPs who opposed the war, depicted as disgusting animals); on the other hand, the different reactions to the poet’s words not only in Italy but also abroad.



Bruno Figliuolo, Sui rapporti tra Gioacchino Volpe e Benedetto Croce. A partire da una recente pubblicazione

The paper examines the relationship between Croce and Volpe, in the light of the recent edition of the correspondence between the two for over twenty-five years. This work analyzes the period of flowering and growth of that cultural relationship, often materialized in open collaboration, and then that of the progressive removal, due to the Volpe’s failure to fully adhere to the canons of the Croce’s historiography. Finally, the relationship culminated in the open rupture when Volpe joined Fascism.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Armando Antonelli, Fabbricare e trasmettere la storia nel Medioevo. Cronachistica, memoria documentaria e identità cittadina nel Trecento italiano (Enrico Faini)

Nerida Newbigin, Making a Play for God. The Sacre Rappresentazioni of Renaissance Florence (Francesca Fantappiè)

Agostino Chigi, Lettere a Tolfa (1504-1505). L’imprenditore dell’allume dei papi, a cura di Ivana Ait e Anna Modigliani (Sergio Tognetti)

Natalie Zemon Davis, Leo Africanus Discovers Comedy: Theatre and Poetry Across the Mediterranean (Eric Nicholson)

Pasquale Palmieri, L’eroe criminale. Giustizia, politica e comunicazione nel XVIII secolo (Renato Pasta)

Pierre-Marie Delpu, L’affaire Poerio. La fabrique d’un martyr révolutionnaire européen (1850-1860) (Dino Mengozzi)

Keith Tribe, Constructing Economic Science. The Invention of a Discipline 1850-1950 (Luigi Alonzi)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770