2023 fascicolo I


Carlo Ludovico Severgnini, «Questa guerra non la si può fare che così». Prime tracce di mercenari in Italia (Siena, 1226-1253)

The rise of mercenarism in 14th century Europe is a common topic for medieval studies, but its earlier history is almost unknown. The Commune of Siena provides a good case study for the 13th century due to its administrative and financial archival records that date up to 1226. Many such documents can be used to trace the different steps of the recruitment and the archival material that these transactions produced. Another subtopic of paramount importance is the impact of mercenaries on urban economy and institutions.


Solène Minier, Exclure et protéger. Femmes, familles et droit successoral à Padoue (XIIIe-XVe siècles)

Among the many local legislations that excluded women from inheritance from the 12th century on in the Western Mediterranean, Paduan statutes are surprisingly harsh. In the 14th century, the Scaligeri and Carraresi signori chose to distance themselves from Venetian legislation in order to favour upper-class patrimonial concentration. Female exclusion then became a legal tool to assert social pre-eminence against foreign investments in the entroterra and political dispossession.


Silvia Cinnella Della Porta, Pietro Martire d’Anghiera in inglese: la traduzione delle Decades de orbe novo di Richard Eden (1555)

Throughout the 16th century streams of global knowledge arrived in England, drawing on the continental cultural output and owing to the literary endeavours of individuals who were knowledgeable in many languages. This paper examines the first English edition of the Decades de orbe novo (1555), focusing on the processes of text migration and adaptation of Peter Martyr of Anghiera’s text as it passed from one culture to another. The article also shows the complex ways in which the Decades of the newe worlde provided for 16th-century readers a sensitive insight into the mental world and the social constructs of the indigenous peoples.


Andrea Giaconi, Il ritorno da Roma. Rientri, celebrazioni e violenze del fascismo toscano nei giorni successivi al 28 ottobre 1922

The great attention paid over the years to the event of the ‘Marcia su Roma’ corresponds to very few detailed studies (at least on a general level) on the return of the ‘black shirts’ to their cities, on the celebrations organized for them, on the continuation of local violence. The paper intends to partially fill this gap by focusing on Tuscany. The intention is to understand what the immediate and material repercussions of the fascist seizure of power were, on a territory that more than any other had contributed to the number of men mobilized to Rome and, through it, how much the relationship ‘weighs’ between marching squads and their own context.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Yuri A. Marano, Le fortune di un patriarca. Grado altomedievale e il “testamento” di Fortunato II (Marco Muresu)

Peter Stabel, The Fabric of the City. A Social History of Cloth Manufacture in Medieval Ypres (Sergio Tognetti)

The culture and Politics of Regime change in Italy c. 1494-c. 1559, Alexander Lee and Brian Jeffrey Maxson (eds.) (Nao Masunaga)

Giampiero Brunelli, La guerra in età moderna (Frédéric Ieva)

Déborah Blocker, Le Principe de plaisir. Esthétique, savoirs et politique dans la Florence des Médicis (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) (Vanni Bramanti)

Stefano Villani, Making Italy Anglican. Why the Book of Common Prayer was translated into Italian (Simone Maghenzani)

Giulia Iannuzzi, Geografie del tempo. Viaggiatori europei tra i popoli nativi nel Nord America del Settecento (Alessandro Tuccillo)

Pasquale Palmieri, L’eroe criminale. Giustizia, politica e comunicazione nel XVIII secolo (Renato Pasta)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770