2023 fascicolo IV


Paolo Tomei, Spazi politici e strutture parentali nella galassia carolingia. Gli Adalberti fra Baviera, Toscana e Provenza

The aim of the article is to contribute to the reflection on aristocratic kinship structures and political spaces of action in the Carolingian world. At the centre of the investigation lies a well-known object of research, but observed from a new interpretative perspective: the kinship group of the so-called Adalberti, marquises in Tuscany from the middle of the 9th century.


Stefano Malfatti, Fra Verona e Trento. Mobilità, radicamento e attività di mercanti-banchieri nella prima metà del Quattrocento

The essay aims at investigating the activities, the movements and the integration processes of a number of merchant-bankers who were active – between the end of the fourteenth century and the mid-fifteenth century – in some cities of Northern Italy, including Verona and Trento, but with interests and business networks in other places as well. After an analysis of the political and economic context of the cities of departure (including Siena) and of arrival, the economic activities exercised by those merchant-bankers and the networks of their relationships, also with the local ruling class, are described in detail. Finally, we will examine some parameters that allow to measure their rooting in the various cities where they obtained the citizenship.


Gaia Bruno – Giacomo Bonan, «Contro l’azione struggitrice del tempo». Progetti di ripristino dell’acquedotto Claudio

The article analyses the history of a project – the exploitation of the Serino water springs in the mountains near the city of Naples – with its alternative fortunes, from its first hypothesis during the XVI century to the actual construction of the infrastructure in the XIX century. By contextualizing the different proposals, the article aims to highlight how much political factors count for the construction of water infrastructures in comparison with the more studied economic or demographic aspects.


Silvio Labbate, L’Italia e l’aggressione all’Etiopia nelle carte della Società delle Nazioni

As most of the more recent historiography demonstrates (Burgwyn, Mallett 2003, Strang 2003, De Grand 2004, etc.), the Italian aggression on Ethiopia was an open challenge to the great Western powers and to the post-war international order established in Paris in 1919. The research aims to address the topic through the recent availability of the documents of the League of Nations. This by enhancing the new archival documentation and analyzing the position of the Italian government.



Sergio Tognetti, Schumpeter incatenato. La rivoluzione commerciale del Medioevo secondo Chris Wickham

The essay discusses Chris Wickham’s recent monograph devoted to the origins of the commercial revolution of the Middle Ages. In addition to summarizing the salient arguments of the volume, this contribution would like to highlight the methodological, historiographical and cultural implications that lead the British scholar to almost completely overturn the traditional view of the Mediterranean economy in the 11th and 12th centuries.


Anna Maria Voci, Modernità democratica del Kaiserreich (1871-1918)? Considerazioni su uno studio recente e su un tema a lungo dibattuto

Reviewing a German book by Hedwig Richter on reforms and mass-politicisation in Germany during the Second Reich, which stresses the degree of modernity reached by Germany during that period, the Author of this essay warns to use some caution, as the elements of the so-called modernity cannot be considered as a predominant character of that period of German history. Modernity in Germany during the Second Reich concerned economy, science, technology, not the State and its institutions, nor politics. Moreover, those elements of modernity did not succeed in spreading in the majority of Germans a really liberal and democratic culture, which is one of the main features of modernity.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Ermanno Orlando, Medioevo migratorio. Mobilità, contatti e interazioni in Italia nei secoli V-XV (Giuliano Pinto)

Carole Mabboux, Cicéron et la Commune. Le rétheur comme modèle civique (Italie, XIIIe-XIVe s.) (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Cédric Quertier, Guerres et richesses d’une nation. Les Florentins à Pise au XIVe siècle (Alberto Luongo)

Panthéons de la Renaissance. Mémoires et histoires des hommes et de femmes illustres (v. 1350-1700), sous la diréction de Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Jean Baptiste Delzant et Clemence Revest (Francesca Klein)

Michele Lodone, I segni della fine. Storia di un predicatore nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Isabella Gagliardi)

Donato Giannotti, Della Repubblica ecclesiastica, a cura di William J. Connell (Paolo Simoncelli)

Gigliola Fragnito, Il condottiero eretico. Gian Galeazzo Sanseverino prigioniero dell’Inquisizione (Luca Addante)

Gerardo Nicolosi, Diplomazia liberale. Istituzioni e uomini dall’Unità alla Repubblica (Christian Satto)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770