2024 fascicolo II


Alberto Spataro, Un Comune e i suoi spazi normativi. Milano nel Thronstreit, l’autorialità del Liber consuetudinum Mediolani (1216) e il ruolo degli iudices tra diritto e politica

The essay considers the social and institutional events in Milan at the beginning of the 13th century. In particular, two key events are examined: the participation of some Milanese in Lateran Council IV (1215) and the promulgation of the Liber consuetudinum Mediolani (1216). In both contexts, the decisive role of the Milanese iudices is revealed. Moreover, the analysis of the miscellaneous manuscript suggests an active involvement of Passaguerra iudex in the preparation of Liber consuetudinum, a text aimed at giving normative homogeneity in the perspective of greater social compactness within the political space of the ambrosian civitas.


Angelo Nicolini, Un nuovo sguardo sui mercanti-banchieri toscani in Inghilterra alla fine del Duecento

This study, conducted on English archival material, covers the period between 1272 and 1294, when Edward I of England received sizeable and regular loans from a dozen Tuscan merchant-banking companies, headed and coordinated by the Ricciardi of Lucca. Essentially wool merchants, acting as a genuine branch of government, they ensured a constant flow of cash to the Crown. In return, they received the guarantee of newly established customs revenues and some direct taxes, and the offer of trade privileges. The so-called ‘Ricciardi system’ worked brilliantly for over twenty years and allowed the King to carry out an ambitious and expensive foreign policy, conquering Wales and fighting against the Scots. But the sudden outbreak of war against France over the possession of Gascony abruptly increased the King’s needs for money and caught the Ricciardi unprepared. This led to the breakdown of relations with the Crown and to the bankruptcy of the Ricciardi.


Giuseppe Mrozek Eliszezynski, Città libere e baroni ribelli. La rivolta del 1647-48 negli Abruzzi

The article aims to provide an overview of how the revolt of 1647-48 evolved in the two northernmost provinces of the Kingdom of Naples. In the light of the most recent historiographical acquisitions, it is necessary to rethink the revolt in the provinces as something more complex than a simple set of popular and anti-feudal insurrections: the political issues and the competition for power in fact crossed the individual cities, but also the alignments into which both the urban patricians and the families of the feudal aristocracy were traditionally divided. In the second part, the article focuses on the case of Chieti, capital of the province of Abruzzo Citra, through archive documentation and local chronicles.


Francesco Guida, Una rivoluzionaria vittima della rivoluzione, Ana Rabinsohn Pauker

In this essay, the author would like to sketch the figure of Ana Rabinsohn Pauker (1893-1960), who was very well known at the end of the Second World War but almost disappeared for many years from the historical memory (for Italian historiography, an absolute novelty) and from public opinion, despite the important political role she played. At the same time, a contribution is made to the knowledge of certain phases of Romanian history and especially of the first years of the Communist regime, characterized by the Stalinist influence and by bitter struggles within the Romanian Communist Party.



Patrizia Delpiano – Giovanni Tarantino, Musulmani nella Roma moderna 

The article discusses the book Gli schiavi del papa by Marina Caffiero (Brescia, Morcelliana, 2022), which contributes importantly to our understanding of the presence of Muslims in early modern Europe. Among the themes considered are the place and face of the ‘stranger’ in early modern society, baptism’s implications for slavery, and the Roman Church’s different attitudes towards Jews and Muslims, with the latter being perceived as more ‘familiar’ and more easily assimilable into Christian society.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

Between Ostrogothic and Carolingian Italy. Survivals, revivals, ruptures, ed. by Fabrizio Oppedisano (Marco Muresu)

François Bougard, Le royaume d’Italie de Louis II à Otton Ier (840-968). Histoire politique (Mauro Ronzani)

Isabella Gagliardi, Anima e corpo. Donne e fedi nel mondo mediterraneo (secoli XI-XVI) (Luca Ughetti)

Domenico di Gravina, Chronicon, edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Fulvio Delle Donne, con la collaborazione di Victor Rivera Magos, Francesco Violante
e Marino Zabbia (Pierluigi Terenzi)

Tommaso Vidal, Quattro notai della fine del Patriarcato: Giovanni di Folcomaro di Mels, Giovanni di Giacomo da Udine, Nicolò di Daniele di Colle Prampero, Alvise da Montegnacco ( Jacopo Paganelli)

Natalie Zemon Davies, Leo Africanus discovers comedy: theatre and poetry across the Mediterranean (Silvia Cinnella Della Porta)

Fernando Ciaramitaro, Santo Oficio imperial. Dinámicas globales y el caso siciliano (Anna Clara Basilicò)

Giampaolo Salice, Il mare degli altri. Colonie di popolamento del Regno di Sardegna (XVIII secolo) (Matteo Calcagni)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770