2024 fascicolo IV


Maxime Fulconis, Territoires vécus et dialectique entre de iure et de facto. L’exemple des confins entre Orvieto et Sovana au Xe‐XIIe s.

By studying the different territories to which the inhabitants of Valdilago and Alfina had the feeling of belonging and the resulting games of cospatiality, this article takes a broader look at the functioning of the territories and their limits in the 10th and 12th centuries. By paying attention to the dialectical game that can exist between territories recognized de iure and those whose existence results from factual practices, it offers a new way of understanding the profound social reconfigurations of this period.


Elena Maccioni, «Simpliciter et de plano». Giustizia sommaria e pratica mercantile nel tardo Medioevo genovese

Mercantile courts (known as mercanzie, merchants’ chambers, domus mercatorum, consulates, etc.) are receiving increasing attention from scholars. They can be investigated on the political-institutional and economic level as well as on the institutional and legal level. The continuous intertwining of these interpretative paths contributes to making the history of mercantile courts a topic of extreme interest. The aim of this study is to investigate the functioning of the Officium Mercancie of Genoa through the continuous dialogue between daily practice and legislation. It is divided into two sections: the first is dedicated to the reconstruction of administrative competences, the second to the daily practice of the court.


Tommaso Somigli Russotto, Camillo Orsini alla corte di Paolo IV: religiosità, politica e propaganda

The study examines the relationship between the inquisitor Paul IV and the heterodox Camillo Orsini through the analysis of unpublished sources. The condottiero’s rhetoric, transversal to the factions of the «intransigenti» and «spirituali», was characterized by strong pro-papal and roman-centric tendencies, expressed also in the formula of the «divine calling» to the pope’s service. Carafa publicly presented these elements as proof of the condottiero’s orthodoxy, functionally placing them in opposition to the heresy he accused the Colonna and Habsburgs of.


Federico Mazzei, Autobiografia e «storia segreta»: le memorie perdute dell’ultimo De Gasperi

Alcide De Gasperi dealt with several proposals of drafting and publishing his memoirs, which nevertheless did not achieve their editorial goal. A rising penchant for autobiography led him to multiply private and public references to his political background. The hindrance that prevented De Gasperi to convert them into a full memoir opera was the self-censorship on the «secret history» related to his underground trouble with the Holy See. On one hand, he refused to authorize portraits and biographies proposed him by journalists and insiders, out of fear they could misrepresent his political laity as religious disobedience. On the other hand, he delayed to write his memoirs which were at last interrupted by De Gasperi’s death, but started over by his daughter Maria Romana and merged in her book of 1964, De Gasperi, uomo solo. This essay reconstructs the interweaving between the attempts to autobiographical reconnaissance that arose from De Gasperi’s political rethinking and the biographical and memorialistic ones which could not reach him as interlocutor.



Marco Spallanzani, La concessione di un privilegio in esclusiva per la produzione di vasellame in vetro, Firenze 1361

In 1361 a master glassblower by the name of Andrea di Coverino, a native of San Miniato, requested a license from the Florentine authorities, good for four years, for the exclusive right to produce drinking glasses and other glass objects, with the agreement to sell them at set prices. The privilege was granted.



Marco Natalizi, Etica di servizio, resistenze, progettualità politica: la nobiltà russa da Pietro il Grande a Nicola I

For generations of Russians and Westerners in the 18th and 19th centuries, Russian nobles were lackeys of the autocracy and imitators of foreign cultures. This view shaped much of the scholarship of the second half of the 20th century. The last three decades, however, have seen a backlash against this gloomy assessment. Several studies have concluded that nobles were not culturally rootless or psychologically alienated. In this historiographical panorama, this essay aims to be a discussion of Lapo Sestan’s recent book on the Russian nobility and to reflect on the confrontation between the crown and the nobility by looking at the latter’s difficulties in competing on the political stage.


Recensioni [scarica PDF]

An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000, ed. by Pedro Lains, Leonor Freire Costa, Regina Grafe, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, David Igual-Luis, Vicente Pinilla and Herminia Vasconcelos Vilar (Sergio Tognetti)

Filippo Ribani, Furti e insulti. Il conflitto città-campagna tra immaginario e realtà nell’Italia tardomedievale (Rossella Rinaldi)

Marie D’Aguanno Ito, Orsanmichele. A Medieval Grain Market and Confraternity (Francesco Borghero)

Luca Zenobi, Borders and the Politics of Space in Late Medieval Italy. Milan, Venice and their territories (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Le temps des Italies, XIIe-XIXe siècle, Dirigé par Jean Boutier, Sandro Landi et Jean-Claude Waquet (Renzo Sabbatini)

Emanuela Ferretti, Con lo sguardo di Leonardo. L’arte edificatoria e il microcosmo del cantiere (Francesca Fiorani)

Andrea Zannini, Altri Pigafetta. Relazioni e testi sul viaggio di Magellano ed Elcano (David Salomoni)

Gigliola Fragnito, Un fanciullo licenzioso: l’educazione di Ranuccio Farnese, nipote di Paolo III (Déborah Blocker)

Luca G. Manenti, La Massoneria italiana. Dalle origini al nuovo millennio (Massimo Nardini)

L’ebreo errante. Nuove prospettive su un mito europeo, a cura di Fabrizio Franceschini e Serena Grazzini (Samuela Marconcini)


Notizie [scarica PDF]


Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770