2012 fascicolo I


Francesco Ciuti, Il Collegio dei fisici e l’Arte dei medici e speziali di Firenze: dalla Repubblica allo Stato mediceo (XIV-XVI secolo)

Outlining the history of the Medical College of Florence from the XIVth to the XVIth century, this essay aims to highlight the changes in its organization and in the tasks of the Guild of doctors and druggists during the transition from the Republic to the Medicean state. It focused, in particular, on the new tools assigned to the Guild by the central government in order to select and to manage the area of health expertise in Tuscany.


Tobias Daniels, Premessa per un’edizione critica della Florentina Synodus di Gentile Becchi


Massimo Giontella – Riccardo Fubini, Intorno alla bottega di Antonio del Pollaiolo. “Orgia e pentimento” nei modi di canto carnascialesco

The authors present a new interpretation of the engraving commonly known as “The old lady with sausages” at the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe of The Uffizi Gallery. After a short summary of the attributions that, until now, have failed to suggest a conclusive authorship, the authors propose a new interpretation that, thanks to the documentation consulted, sees in Andrea Mantegna, working on an original drawing by Antonio del Pollaiolo, the author of the engraving. The analysis of the engraving, moreover, opens up one more time the issue of the relationships between Leonardo and Antonio del Pollaiolo that still need a more exhaustive research.


Sergio Tognetti, L’industria conciaria nella Firenze del Cinquecento: uno studio sulla contabilità aziendale

The essay aims to investigate an economic activity not much known or emphasized by the scholars of Medicean Florence and Tuscany: the leather industry and its trade in the second half of the XVI century. The research, thanks to the first hand documentation based on account books, let the historians penetrate the very core of a big firm related to the Capponi, a family that counted among its members several merchants engaged in the international money market and senatori of the State. Thanks to this documentation it is possible to reconstruct, in detail and for a period of ten years, the complete business of a big tannery. Moreover, the documentation highlights some unexplored aspects of civil justice with its rich evidence of fees for legal actions against unfulfilling suppliers and insolvent purchasers.


Alessandro Monti, Eugenio Albèri e l’epistolario di Carlo Cappello: le omissioni di un’edizione ottocentesca



Irene Brancasi, A proposito di tolleranza e intoleranza nell’Illuminismo europeo



Esperimenti naturali di storia (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Amedeo Feniello, Napoli. Società ed economia (902-1137) (Sergio Tognetti)

Chronica de origine civitatis Florentiae, a cura di Riccardo Chellini (Enrico Faini)

The Politics of Law in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Essays in Honour of Lauro Martines (Andrea Guidi)

Guido Alfani, Il Grand Tour dei Cavalieri dell’Apocalisse. L’Italia del «lungo Cinquecento» (1492-1629) (Stefano Calonaci)

Giorgio Caravale, Il profeta disarmato. L’eresia di Francesco Pucci nell’Europa del Cinquecento (Leandro Perini)

Egidio Ivetic, L’Istria moderna 1500-1797. Una regione confine (Angela Falcetta)

Anti-Italianism. Essays on a Prejudice, a cura di William J. Connell e Fred Gardaphé (Alessandra Lorini)




Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770