2012 fascicolo III

Il processo di costruzione dell’Unità italiana

nella riflessione storica in Toscana fra Otto e Novecento

Giornata di studio in occasione del 150° dell’Unità d’Italia



Giuliano Pinto, Premessa


Riccardo Fubini, Firenze comunale ed eredità risorgimentale nella storiografia di Gaetano Salvemini

This essay aims to reconsider Salvemini’s historical work on communal Florence within the framework of the evolution of political ideas and ideals at the end of the XIXth Century. Unlike his mentor P. Villari, Salvemini doesn’t see communal history through the tradition of the chronicles but as a reality to be examined with the help of modern political and sociological theories. For Salvemini, Mosca and Pareto stand at the same level (or even higher) of Labriola and Marx (whose influence on Salvemini has been overestimated). Following N. Ottokar’s observations, the essay examines the juridical and political meaning of the term “magnate.” Ottokar stresses the goal of achieving an unified jurisdiction in Florence, realized shortly after with the establishment of the Ordinamenti di Giustizia. The last part of the essay takes into account Salvemini’s works on events and people of the Risorgimento (mainly Mazzini and Cattaneo) and Salvemini’s book on the French Revolution. Salvemini’s considerations on History and Science, which the author elaborated throughout his life from their first edition in 1902 to their last in 1948, stand as a conclusion to the essay .


Mauro Moretti, Ricordi ed affetti. Appunti sulle pagine risorgimentali di Alessandro D’Ancona

Alessandro D’Ancona (1835-1915) was an historian of literature; he also played a political role in the years of national unification, and he was involved in the first stage of studies on the recent Italian history. This paper examines some of the main aspects of his writings on contemporary Italian history, with special attention to the ideological and political roots of his liberalism and to the problems related to the periodization of the Risorgimento.


Roberto Pertici, Antonio Anzilotti da Marx a Gobetti: parabola di uno storico «realistico»

The pursuit of a “realistic” approach to political and historical reality marks the whole intellectual life of Antonio Anzilotti: from Marxism to the critique of positivistic historiography, from an enthusiastic adherence to the historical methods of Salvemini and Volpe to a critical reception of Croce’s theory of history. In his last works, Anzilotti sees in Vincenzo Gioberti’s “realism” the highest expression of the Italian Risorgimento political thought


Maria Fubini Leuzzi, Cercando il Risorgimento. Indagine su alcuni periodici toscani di storia ed erudizione locale fra XIX e XX secolo

This examination of various local historical journals aims at understanding what awareness the culture of peripheral Tuscany had of the historical events that led to Italy’s National unification, between the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth Centuries. It aims especially at understanding the level of historical elaboration of events which had variously affected the local populations. A preliminary research on the debate on local history was deemed unavoidable. The analysis highlights interesting and substantial differences in historical culture and political positions between the various regional districts, which include the cautious moderate positions of the Valdelsa, the lively engagment in favour of the Risorgimento in Leghorn, and the fluctuations in Pistoia between conservative positions and deep interest in the movement in favor of Garibaldi.



Fama e publica vox nel medioevo, a cura di Isa Lori Sanfilippo e Antonio Rigon (Francesco Pirani)

Archivi e comunità tra medioevo ed età moderna, a cura di Attilio Bartoli Langeli, Andrea Giorgi e Stefano Moscadelli (Domenico Pace)

Erotic Cultures of Renaissance Italy, ed. by Sara F. Matthews-Grieco (Elisabeth S. Cohen)

«Interstizi». Culture ebraico-cristiane a Venezia e nei suoi domini dal medioevo all’età moderna, a cura di Uwe Israel, Robert Jütte, Reinhold C. Mueller (Remo L. Guidi)

Jacob Soll, The Information Master. Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Secret State Intelligence System (Tomaso Pascucci)

Gianpaolo Romanato, Un italiano diverso. Giacomo Matteotti (Jacopo Tisato)

Maria Porzio, Arrivano gli alleati! Amori e violenze nell’Italia liberata (Azzurra Tafuro)




Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770