2012 fascicolo IV


Pierluigi Terenzi, Una città superiorem recognoscens. La negoziazione fra l’Aquila e i sovrani aragonesi (1442-1496)

The political relations between the town of L’Aquila and the Aragonese monarchy were subject to a process of constant negotiation, through three channels: parliaments, capitoli and instruments of ‘contingent bargaining’ (letters and ad hoc embassies). This essay analyses the urban community’s petitions and the corresponding royal responses: it highlights the multiplicity of interests of the local élite and its hegemonic political ambitions, and investigates monarchical policies aimed at reasserting royal prerogatives and at coordinating local needs with those of the Kingdom of Naples as a whole. This happened in a context of formal subjection which the inhabitants of L’Aquila tried to turn to their advantage by consciously exploiting instruments of negotiation which even saw the involvement of the king in the drafting of petitions.


Daniele Edigati, Le annotazioni agli statuti come genere di letteratura giuridica nell’età del diritto comune

This paper tries to provide the reader with some guidelines to understand a kind of legal literature hitherto very little known: the annotations and comments to municipal statutes, with special regard to the modern age. After an overall look to some interpretations of the phenomenon, we review the works of authors that had greater prominence in the field thanks to the printing, without forgetting the parallel and flourishing circulation of manuscripts. Explanatory notes and comments to the statutes constituted one of the ways to enhance the institutional pluralism and communal identities now placed in the context of the regional states. They were also real guides for lawyers, through which they could move themselves within the complicated context of ius statutum.


Nicoletta Baldini, In margine alle Vite vasariane. Ser Raffaello di Sandro zoppo, cappellano di san Lorenzo a Firenze, nelle cui “stanze praticavano” artisti e musici

Ser Raffaello di Sandro, chaplain of the church of San Lorenzo, has been mentioned by Giorgio Vasari as a person in the background in the Italian artistic world of the early XVIth Century, mainly known as host of artists and musicians in his residence. A thorough archival research has recognized the truth of Vasari’s statement and allowed to outline ser Raffaello’s origins and his and his family’s relationships with painters such as Rosso fiorentino, Perin del Vaga, Giovann’Antonio Lappoli and the Del Cammello.



Bruno Figliuolo, Sulla fondazione, fallita, della nuova città di Alfonsina in Calabria (1447)


Renato Pasta, Ancora su Voltaire e l’Italia: lettere inedite a Luigi Lorenzi (1746-1764)

This essay presents to the reader five unpublished letters by Voltaire in French and Italian, written from the 1740s to the 1760s and dealing primarily with Voltaire’s membership of several Tuscan academies. The article also surveys the content of Archivio Lorenzi at the State Archive, Florence, where thousands of important letter from French men of letters and scientists are preserved. From 1736 to 1765 Lorenzo Lorenzi was the representative of the King of France in Florence. Together with his brother, Orlando, a professional service in the pay of Louis XV, they stand as a node in the exchange of ideas and books between France and Italy.



Sergio Tognetti, L’economia del Regno di Napoli tra Quattro e Cinquecento. Riflessioni su una recente rilettura

The paper aims to discuss the substantial monograph of Eleni Sakellariou according to the Italian and international historgraphic debate concerned with the economic and social history of Neapolitan kingdom in early modern times and the primordial beginning of the ‘Questione meridionale’. It considers also the methodological approach, the choice and the exploitation of the primary sources, in view of the unequivocal and awoded reference by the scholar to theoretical models strongly linked to the present-day economic thought and doctrine.



Tom Scott, The City-State in Europe, 1000-1600. Hintrland-Territory-Region (Lorenzo Tanzini)

Reinhad Härten, Notarielle und Kirkliche Urkunden im frühen un Hohen Mittelalter (Silio P.P. Scalfati)

Blondus Flavius, Italia Illustrata, a cura di Paolo Pontari (Bruno Figliuolo)

John Monfasani, Bessarion Scholasticus: A Study of Cardinal Bessarion Latin Library (Remo L. Guidi)

Igor Melani, «Di qua» e «di là da’ monti». Sguardi italiani sulla Francia e sui francesi tra XV e XVI secolo (Leandro Perini)

Ernesto Sestan, Scritti vari, V Storia moderna, a cura di Renato Pasta (Irene Brancasi)

Maria Pia Donato, Morti improvvise. Medicina e religione nel Settecento (Francesco Ciuti)




Archivio Storico Italiano – ISSN 0391-7770